Outlander Season 7 Trailer Images

 Ack, dinna fash, you lovers of Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire Fraser’s (Caitríona Balfe) epic, time-traveling romance. Outlander returns for its seventh season with a decidedly Fraser-forward focus that does a fine job balancing the pair’s penchant for landing in a lot of life-threatening situations, with plenty of charming, domestic moments where their enduring romance really gets to shine. But there’s also a compelling backdrop to play against as the Frasers and their kin are now on the doorstep of the Revolutionary War in 1776. 

And for those who were sucked into the series for its time-travel weirdness, there’s also a return to the across-time storytelling that was such a satisfying hallmark of the first few seasons. The first four episodes made available for review give closure to some important dangling storylines leftover from season 6, set the stage for more time travel, and introduce new characters that already prove themselves to be provocative additions to this world.

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