Who Is Kim Kardashian’s New Beau, “Fred”? Here Are the Clues She’s Dropped So Far

 Since her divorce from ex Kanye West, Kim Kardashian’s love life has been the subject of much speculation, from her ’ship with comedian Pete Davidson to her (untrue) rumored fling with footballer Tom Brady. 

But now we’re hearing straight from the reality TV star herself about a new guy in the mix: Fred. He’s the subject of a convo on episode 3 of The Kardashians between Scott Disick and Kim, and he def seems to be someone Kim enjoys texting. Pic for proof:

I mean, look at that smirk, people! If you want to know all the deets on this mystery man ASAP, then behold: all the clues about Kim’s new beau, right this way.

Fred likely lives in or around New York City

Or at the very least, he has the ability to casually meet Kim at restaurants there. But more on the significance of their NYC meetup spot in a bit.... 👀

Fred already knows Kim’s friends

We first hear about Fred—aka “Drop Dead Fred”—in a promo trailer for the third episode of The Kardashians when Kim says, “My friends wanted me to meet someone,” to close family friend Scott Disick. Clearly, Fred has the approval of the celeb’s inner circle. In-ter-est-ing!

Kim and Fred went to the same restaurant she used to dine at with Pete Davidson

In the same episode, Kim dished all the deets to Scott about jetting off to New York to meet with Fred. “What’s so funny is my friends wanted me to meet someone, so we go to New York, and we go to...” she began. (FYI, the actual name of the location was bleeped out of the vid, but I’m sure a kind soul on the internet will def decipher it for me one of these days.) “That’s like my spot because there’s a private room downstairs, but then on the internet, it was like, Kim reconnects with Pete at this place.’”

According to the celeb, the restaurant where she and Fred met was the exact same one where she also used to meet her ex Pete. “It was the place I would go and have my secret dinners with Pete, and he’s probably like, I know what she’s up to,” she said. Honestly? Iconic.

Fred “meets” Kim's standards

And what are those standards, you ask? Well, as she put it in the below clip: “Number one, protect me. Number two, fight for me. Number three, good hygiene. I mean, I think that’s a given, I should take that off. Number four, calm. Five, no mom or dad issues. Six, patient. Seven, supportive. Genuinely happy for me. Successful. Good teeth...Spontaneous. Fun. My friends and family love him. Someone that can be a role model for my kids, especially that my boys can look up to. No heavy baggage—I have enough. Taller than me. Someone that loves to work out. A motivated person. An independent person that’s not clingy. And someone with good taste.”

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