The Detail Everyone Forgets About Bobby On Sons Of Anarchy

 SAMCRO treasurer Bobby Munson (Mark Boone Junior) is known for his levelheadedness on Sons of Anarchy, but there's one detail that everyone forgets about him. Bobby is the son of an accountant who worked for the mafia, and he applies the skills he learned from his father to keep track of the motorcycle club's finances. 

As shown in Bobby's best Sons of Anarchy quotes, his logical mind sets him apart from other Sons of Anarchy members, who prefer to enact violence first and ask questions later. Bobby is also extremely loyal to the club, and always makes decisions based on what he thinks is best for SAMCRO.

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But while Bobby would do anything for the Sons of Anarchy, he is also an independent thinker. When he doesn't agree with Jax's (Charlie Hunnam) leadership as SAMCRO president, Bobby resigns as VP, cutting off his patch. It's these unique traits that make Bobby such a valuable member of the club and beloved Sons of Anarchy character, and why his death at the hands of August Marks (Billy Brown) is all the more heartbreaking. Bobby lived a truly unconventional life both in and out of SAMCRO, and there's one forgotten detail about him that makes him all the more fascinating.

Bobby Was An Elvis Impersonator

Bobby's nickname is "Bobby Elvis" because he has a side gig as an Elvis impersonator, performing in Lake Tahoe. This is established right from the Sons of Anarchy pilot episode, and there's even a subplot involving Bobby being bumped for an Asian Elvis impersonator who is more appealing to Korean tourists. However, Bobby eventually gets to take the stage after Half-Sack (Johnny Lewis) beats up his competition. While this is one of the sillier storylines in the Sons of Anarchy pilot, it goes a long way to show just how violence and criminal behavior permeate all aspects of the Sons' lives.

Bobby is also shown performing at a bar mitzvah in Sons of Anarchy season 2, episode 3, "Fix", but after this, Bobby's Elvis impersonations were all but dropped from the show entirely. This could be because the club was descending deeper into criminal activity and the people of Charming likely did not want to book the member of a violent biker gang for their children's parties. And from a storytelling standpoint, Sons of Anarchy moved away from the lighter subplots of its earlier seasons in favor of more dramatic storylines, like Abel's (Tyler Silva) kidnapping and Jax's feud with Clay (Ron Perlman).

Other Character Details Were Dropped From Sons Of Anarchy

Bobby's Elvis impersonations weren't the only character details Sons of Anarchy dropped. At the beginning of the series, Juice (Theo Rossi) is established as a computer hacker, but his technology skills are almost never utilized. And though Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair is a front for SAMCRO, Jax claims to work 40 hours a week as a mechanic, yet after the first couple of seasons, he's almost never shown doing his day job.

These details about the Sons of Anarchy characters' lives were likely written to give them more well-roundedness and humanity so viewers didn't see them solely as violent outlaws. However, every member of the Sons of Anarchy cast delivered nuanced, layered performances and made their characters authentic, and in some cases even lovable. So, while these extra details were fun aspects of the Sons of Anarchy characters, they stopped being necessary because audiences were already rooting for them. Still, as the show progressed and Jax moved further and further from his dream of going straight, a little Bobby Elvis impersonation could have been the perfect comic relief.

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