FX's hit series Sons of Anarchy had no shortage of tragedies. From the moment we're introduced to antihero Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam), we learn that his father was murdered decades ago, and his loving but ruthless mother Gemma (Katey Sagal), stepfather Clay (Ron Perlman), the motorcycle club, and his newborn son are all he has left.
Despite all this, by the end of the series, Jax isn't the character we feel most sympathetic towards. As a matter of fact, Jax is instrumental in the unwinding of several of his fellow Men of Mayhem. One that does not get talked about enough is the tragic story of Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz (portrayed with great nuance by Theo Rossi). With a new series being on the horizon, it's time to revisit Rossi's moving performance as Juice.
In his portrayal, Rossi went to great lengths and clear-cut places of darkness as he illustrated what it looks like when a deeply insecure character loses all sense of solace in his life. Rossi stood out as Juice because he gave him dimension. Juice Ortiz was the most tragic character in the series. If series creator Kurt Sutter and his team had left Juice's portrayal in the hands of a lesser actor, Juice might have fallen into over-dramatic and one-dimensional. In Rossi's hands, he is a well-rounded and a fully evolved, profoundly sympathetic character.
It's no secret to even Sons of Anarchy's most casual fans that Juice is put into the most uncomfortable and unfair positions. Although he begins as a well-respected member, he becomes a pawn in the worst of ways and didn't deserve it.
Juice Was Useful and Loyal in 'Sons of Anarchy'
Jax (Charlie Hunnam) holding Juice's (Theo Rossi) face in one hand while they look at each other in Sons of Anarchy
Juice begins the series as a relatively new member. Although Clay Morrow does not view him as intelligent or reliable, he is technologically astute. Juice is a hacker, and because of his computer skills, The Sons appoint him as the club's Intelligence Officer. Additionally, until the club's later seasons, Tig (Kim Coates) and Chibs (Tommy Flanagan) heavily favor him, and he is a close friend of Jax.
It's important to note that Juice did betray the club, but he never did so with malice. Self-destructive, sure. Insecure, incredibly, but not cruel. Juice's first step to ruin was his intense desire to be a part of the club. As Rossi said during a behind-the-scenes interview, "The thing that has always rang really true with Juice and with myself is his loyalty. He is so loyal, like lap-dog loyal to the club." Juice goes to great lengths to prove his loyalty to the club, which, in some moments, is utterly sacrificial. In the end, his ultimate demise, and its brutal nature, catalyzes Jax's evolution from leader to ruthless murderer.
Juice's Fear of Being Alone Leads to His Death
Juice (Theo Rossi) crying in Sons of Anarchy
It is a fair assessment to say that Juice may be a poor decision-maker and impulsive, but it would not be fair to say he was evil. At his worst, he is selfish and desperately afraid of losing the family he found in the club. Furthermore, his fear of loneliness and insecurities caused his vicious end in the final season's "Red Rose" episode.
When we consider his dialectical nature of being loyal and selfish, technologically intelligent but also dim-witted, this scene adds to Sutter's skills as a writer because it's a perfect early demonstration of this truth. In the end, despite all sympathy given, Juice's selfishness did cause the death of several others, including Bobby Munson (Mark Boone Junior). He incited a war with the Triads for no reason outside of protecting him. He's not innocent, but he is human. Humans are often tragic, with their well-meaning intentions still able to lead them to ruin. Juice is the perfect example of this circumstance, and good writing often does not come with a fairytale ending.
Juice Provides the Rare Comedic Relief in 'Sons of Anarchy'
Juice (Theo Rossi) smiling in Sons of Anarchy
Beyond his use and loyalty, though, Juice is pretty damn funny! Hilarious, even. In a memorable episode during Season 2 of Sons of Anarchy, Juice's reputation for being dense is shown to be somewhat true, when he attempts to subdue two guard dogs with crystal methamphetamine, which only makes them more dangerous. Sons of Anarchy is not inherently funny, but scenes like this offered relief in a series with a heavy heart and a sense of foreshadowing. Juice's lack of common sense is also a vital part of his life's unraveling because if he had come clean from the beginning, he could have been an influential club member.
Juice's Undoing Is a Result of the Sons of Anarchy's Racist By-Laws
Theo rossi in sons of anarchy
It's important to remember that the Feds targeted Juice because he is half Black. SAMCRO does not allow any Black members in the charter up until Jax's tenure as the club leader. Knowing this, Juice lied and said he was fully Puerto Rican. The police and the Feds use this to their advantage in Season 4 when they discover the truth and use it against him. Juice's fear of being kicked out of the club consumes him, and he agrees to betray them, hoping his problem will go away. This inciting incident led to Juice's suffering and death, as well as the death of several other SAMCRO members. However, it didn't have to. Again, Juice may be tragic and sympathetic, but he is not innocent.
When Juice is already marked as a liability, falling apart and into drug usage, he reveals the truth to Chibs, only for Chibs to tell him that his race isn't a problem. Juice's realization that he made a mountain out of a molehill falls across Rossi's face. He knows he's made enough bad decisions to cause his death and suffering, and all he did to keep his secret wasn't necessary.
Sons of Anarchy wasn't a series without immeasurable sadness. Still, a self-sacrificial character who acts wildly and drives themselves into their demise is hard to watch. We loved funny, dimwitted Juice, but to watch him fall apart and be used by the club, broke our hearts. And in a series with such a standout cast, Rossi manages to not only hold his own, but command attention with his gutwrenching performance as Juice Ortiz.